Tag Archives: Employment law


The poster poser hoax

I received an email late last night – a client of mine has been receiving calls from the “US Corporate Compliance” office. Should I be concerned, said client wrote, should I be worried about not being in compliance? The answer is that yes, you should be in compliance, but no, not with these folks. Three […]

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Not worth the risk.

I wrote this up for Jean Yates (who is brilliant, by the way — if you need dynamic social media for your winery — if you want to increase your tasting room sales — you should call her right away) and wanted to share: http://oregon-wine.com/wineries-want-big-fine-use-volunteers/ Because this is what can (will?) happen: http://www.mercurynews.com/my-town/ci_26541167/castro-valley-winery-fined-115-000-using-volunteers

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The Dangerous Intern

I often see bright young people eager to begin their professional careers by agreeing to volunteer in exchange for substantive work experience and a strong line on their resumes. If the organization for whom they are working is a municipality or a non-profit, this isn’t likely to raise my concerns. But when an employer is […]

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Spend a Penny, Save a Pound

Two news articles came across my desktop today, both with a chilling message for employers out there. They come with two messages. Here’s the first message: hire an employment lawyer. And the second? I mean it. Hire an employment lawyer. The first article is about a celebrity who had a share of a restaurant in […]

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