Tag Archives: OLCC

Measure 91 Series — Listening Sessions

The OLCC is holding “listening sessions” throughout the state to find what the public is most concerned about. Listening sessions have already been held in Baker City, Eugene, Pendleton, and Salem. More listening sessions are scheduled for Wednesday and thereafter: Wednesday, February 18 7:00PM – 9:00PM ASHLAND Southern Oregon University, Stevenson Union1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Rogue […]

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Measure 91 Series — The Cole Memo

One interesting component of the rulemaking process is a document that the federal government drafted. The “Cole Memo” was given to states which decriminialized marijuana (to date, Colorado and Washington). The Cole Memo is an eight-point memo related to the concerns held by the federal DOJ. These eight points direct states to: Prevent distribution of […]

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Measure 91 Series — What is the OLCC?

Measure 91 grants the OLCC the authority to tax, license, and regulate recreational marijuana. But what is this mysterious multi-lettered agency? The OLCC, as the name suggests, is an agency which is led by a commission (rather than a department led by a single executive officer). The commission administers the Liquor Control Act, ORS chapter […]

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Winemakers’ Lawyer on Measure 91

On November 4, Oregon’s voters approved a complex regulatory system to legalize recreational marijuana. Measure 91 directs the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to regulate, license, and tax recreational marijuana. As you can anticipate, a winemakers’ lawyer works with the OLCC often. I find the Measure 91 regulations and rulemaking progress fascinating (who wouldn’t?!). I have […]

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Watch out!

OLCC stings target wineries

Between June 7 and 24, the OLCC targeted businesses, bars, and wineries throughout the state. As I analyze the data from the various stings, I am pleased with the compliant wineries and warily anticipate more to come in months ahead. I will isolate stings in two areas of the state known for its wine, the […]

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